The story is based on the legend of Quetzalcoatl and his encounter with a little rabbit who offered itself to the starving god. Quetzalcoatl touched by her offering elevated her to the moon. Then brought her back to earth, leaving her image to live forever in the moonlight.
Here is part of a lovely letter I received from A-Z after the projects completion.
"Just a notice that the artwork for this legend is officially approved. The editor thought it turned out beautifully! Also, another member of the Spanish team sent her compliments . . .
"The art for this book is rather moving. It looks like fine art. This story is engrained in the folklore of Mexico, so it deserves fine art. Very beautiful."
I was thrilled! Below is my painting of Quetzalcoatl in human form.
Also, when I was a little and looking up at the moon with my grandmother, I always saw a rabbit! There are a lot of configurations for the rabbit in the moon, but my art director let me use the one that I've always imagined!
Below are a few additional images from the book.